Sunday 18 December 2016

A Jumble of Words Ep.2 -- Top 4 Games of My Childhood

During my childhood years, I had 8 hours of free time, so I have played lots of games.  But some games are better than others, and some get stuck in your head.

4) Balance
This game is a legend in my book.  The objective of this game is to get a ball from the start to the end through an obstacle course, which is suspended in midair, whilst trying as hard as you can not to fall.  I spent 8,345.456 hours trying to master this game, especially levels 10-12 and the end game challenge… I never succeeded…

3) War blade
This game is one of the finest arcade shoot- ‘em- ups on the planet.  This master piece of a game makes you control a spaceship and shoot space bugs and 4 bosses.  I spent days trying to get to the highest rank in the game with my cousin, which meant that I had to keep my PC on for 3 days!

2) Chicken Invaders
Now, you might say to yourself, “This chap doesn’t have a brain.  I mean like ‘Chicken Invaders?’ Is he mad or something???”  Well I understand, but when I say that this is the best shmup (shoot- ‘em- up) in the history of mankind, you have to take my word…  I’ve played this game since birth, and new titles in this series look a bit on the AWESOME side of stuff.  And I’m really excited for CI6; It looks promising.

1) Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

This game can sum my childhood.  I’ve spent more than 5 weeks of actual playtime.  And this game is loved it had got lots of extras, some of which include an expansion/update called Yuri’s Revenge, a map and campaign creator, loads of mods, a mod maker, and a trainer/cheating software.  I actually spent 13 hours on a map trying to get loads of units and conquer all the tech buildings on the map, before crushing my enemy.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

A Jumble of Words Ep1 -- Super Mario Bros. Game Genie Codes

Super Mario Bros. is a game released on the Nintendo Family Computer System and the Nintendo Entertainment System in Sep 13th, 1985.  This game is one of the most influential in gaming history.  It revolutionized gaming in households
Now most people are familiar with the game.  But some gamers want to experience the game in a different fashion.  So they go and get themselves a Game Genie.  A Game Genie is a device that the consumer plugs into a Nintendo Entertainment System, then plugs a game cartridge into the end.  Once the system is powered on, a code screen appears and lets you put any code in it.  These codes modify the game data, and bring up GREAT results.

1) EPPISS Block "Deleter"
Now this is an amazing code.  It gives you the ability to delete any block that you come against.  Simply touch the top left corner of any block, then it vanishes.

Now there is a problem here...  The flag pole disappears, which soft-locks the game.

2) XYAGEO Hammer Mayhem
This one is challenging.  Simply every enemy throws hammers.  The enemy sprits are a bit bugged, and they kind of walk through walls and such.  But it's great fun!

3) XTYIVY Offset
This code is amazing to play as a joke with a friend.  Simply every block is offset by 2 blocks to the left.  It's one good of a prank!

4) XTYIVY Portal
This is another joke to pull on a friend.  Whenever you touch a side of a block, you get teleported to the left of the screen.

This cheat is a legend in trolling.  It spawns random amoumts of enemies, but some levels aren't affected.  It's important to say that every time you reset your system, the enemies are randomized.

                      Even Mario on the title screen isn't safe...

Peace Out...

Sunday 11 December 2016

Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Mother, Teacher, and/or Leader!!! (Results May Vary)

Freedom of speech is very important these days, and we have got very far in the game of freedom in general.  About a hundred years ago, leaders and governments fully led their communities; no freedom, no voice, no "nothing." And it is amazing how freedom of speech is widely spread around this planet now a days compared to then.  Things like Facebook, Twitter, and even YouTube bring us together and make freedom of speech a global phenomenal. It has become just like food and water. Freedom of speech is now a necessity.  Something that was totally non-excitant, is now our way of communication. Without freedom of speech, everyone would suffer. Without freedom of speech, citizens wouldn't be call citizens any more, the would be called robots.  Without freedom of speech, police would take people to jail left, right, and center, pretty much 24/7.   Without freedom of speech, people wouldn't be able to share their emotions, opinions, and thoughts without going to the court.  The internet that we know today would hit rock bottom.  Social media like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube would get converted to news sites.  Blogs such as Blogger and Readit wouldn't even exist.  And freedom of speech is so important because people wouldn't be able to express their feelings, their emotions, and their opinions without getting shot in the head by police officers.  Laborers and workers wouldn't be able to reach out to their managers, and tell them about their situation if it wasn't for freedom of speech.
But sometimes people don't respect others and abuse their power and their right of freedom of speech.  Such acts may include racism, terrorism, and offences to other religions, countries, and individuals.  So anybody can insult anyone/anything they want, but then they hide behind the freedom of speech.  So for example, let's imagen Billy the bully.  Billy the bully goes to school one day, and then he sees his Middle-Eastern Muslim classmate, Ahmad.  Then Billy the bully decides to say to Ahmad the following, "Your religion is </CENSORED>, and your race is </CENSORED>, and you look like </CENSORED>."  So Ahmad goes to the headmaster of his school to tell them about Billy the bully. When the headmaster tries to address this very problem, Billy the bully says that freedom of speech exists, and the headmaster can't do a thing about it.  Obviously this is just an example, but this is a problem that still needs to be addressed.  The second problem that needs addressing is that governments and leaders would make the citizens feel safe by giving secretly faked freedom, but then secretly spy on people and capture what they say.  And what they say may be used against the citizens, and control them against their well.  So for instance, let's say Steve doesn't like the new government and its policies, so he posts his thoughts on Facebook. Then the next day, he finds himself in jail because of his innocent post. Again this is an example, but still it's a problem, and it has to be eliminated instantly.
Now freedom of speech isn’t the most perfect concept in the universe, and it needs patching up before any more ridicules problems and events happen, and before everybody snaps.  Now one way to solve the problem of offences is by putting guidelines for freedom of speech.  Now people might say that what we’re doing is putting “RULES,” and putting limits on freedom of speech.  Well actually we are limiting freedom of speech and putting rule, but we’re trying to dress these rules as expectation just so more people would actually follow them.    But anyways, some expectation might be like “We expect our citizens to not hurt any other individual by any sort of function, using their right of freedom.”  Or “We expect our students to not offend any race, religion or belief by any verbal or actual acts.”  This solution can lessen the offences a fair bit.  But we might get into problems whilst applying this solution.  Some problems might include strict rules, and unfair limits (Making freedom of speech very limited).  The first problem can be addressed by simply making the expectations more flexible. Sometimes somebody says something by accident, or they say something completely innocent, but then get misunderstood.  So what we can also do is that we can make other people listen to what evidence they have, and then decide.  The second problem can be eliminated by simply putting limits to the limits.  We can do that by still putting limits to freedom of speech, but give a minimal requirement of freedom.  So, if a group of people were to limited, then that problem would be addressed by some outside agents.
Thnx 4 Lsnin’ pEEpz, Peace Out…